
For the small business owners and entrepreneurial beings, I offer you a few packages for your web design needs. For all of my work I exclusively use SquareSpace or Wix to design on as they provide you with the most friendly interface for learning and updating later!

My process brings through the use of my intuition as a designer as well as gathering your needs and desires for your site to co-create a website that is YOU.


Website Design

You are ready to build fresh! A new site, a new you! This is my most popular option for website design of building a brand new site on SquareSpace or Wix. We co-create an experience that will keep your clients coming back for more. Training is included to teach you the ins and outs of the platform for basic editing, adding new content, duplicating templates and more!


Re-designs are for those with existing sites on SquareSpace or Wix that are looking to have current pages re-designed and a few new pages/templates added in. I work with you to understand what you would like to update and make recommendations on improving the user experience. Let’s use a dash of magic to create something that connects with you and your clients.

Analyze It

This is for the go getter! The platform doesn’t matter (as long as you aren’t upgrading to a Re-design after…) I spend time thoroughly going through your website compiling recommendations to improve the design and flow of your existing site. The rest is up to you to implement the recommendations as you feel.

Just One Thing

As I have capacity, I can create custom quotes for updating pages, adding pages, changing very specific workflows and more based on an hourly rate. If your ask leans further into a re-design then I will recommend that package to you. This option is for existing clients only.

SquareSpace Training

You’ve started your website on SquareSpace and were SUPER EXCITED about it, but have run into too many roadblocks and are now frustrated… I get these calls all the time. I’ve created a SquareSpace Training for you where we get together and go through your webpages making live edits so you get the feel for it. This is where I empower you as a solo’preneur to take control of your site and giving you the confidence to do so.


If it feels aligned to learn more about my process, please fill out a Discovery Form and we will be in touch.