Get to know me

First thing — hello and welcome!

I’m Janine

I am a curious designer that loves to work on projects with a higher purpose and clients that are thinking about the future of humanity — something bigger. To me, design is a subtle language that guides someone through an experience. My gift as a designer and leader is being able to see where things can be improved and/both fixed to create efficiencies and seamless experiences while bringing together the right people to get things done and moving forward.

For the corporate beings out there, I have a diverse background that brings together skills in design and user experience with a strong technical understanding (back-end and front-end) of projects. I consider myself a generalist user experience designer because of the diverse background I have of being able to work on projects end-to-end from research to output.

I am passionate about crafting solutions to bridge the gap between users and the products they use, looking at the big picture before narrowing in on individual problems, and turning challenges into opportunities.

Teaching and mentoring are my sweet spot. I love any opportunity to help people grow and develop as designers or to add to their skillset. I have successfully helped several co-ops students and junior graphic designers move to UX careers, and become mentors themselves.

In my career, I have been lucky to have had the opportunity to work in a variety of roles serving small businesses to enterprise businesses as a consultant, project manager, designer, researcher, and team lead. I love taking on a good challenge where I am able to share my unique vision and ideas. I thrive in opportunities where I can grow and be recognized for my contributions. See below of a highlight of my top talents!

For the entrepreneurial beings out there, I am passionate about helping you craft a beautiful website that not only showcases you and your business, but that are functional and easy to use. My mission is to empower you to have control over your site once we have created your base design (I mean, I am always here to help you in the future if you need me…) You’re a busy person and you’ve been putting off your website design or re-design for a long time OR you’re just starting out and are looking for a trusted partner to help you get started.

I bring 10+ years of experience working in the digital design world and 4+ years of master the craft of understanding users and how they move through digital products. I bring together psychology, spirituality and design expertise together to craft functional websites that get the job done. I have created a process that is straightforward and simple to get you a website done easily and efficiently.

I value projects that are for good and help those with brilliant ideas spread their word to the world. I value working on products that have a meaningful impact on end users to help them overcome specific problems like wellbeing, building wealth and learning. Helping humanity challenge the status quo and create new ways of being. If this sounds like you or your organization - let’s talk!

My Top Talents



The ability to set goals, monitor progress, and take the initiative to improve your work.

I am...

  • Excellent at understanding new procedures and learning how to get the job done right.

  • Able to establish and meet challenging goals, and persevere even when initially unsuccessful.

  • Very capable of being accurate and attentive to detail, reporting and record keeping, creating plans to accomplish work, and monitoring resources.


The ability to take charge of a group and motivate group members toward common goals.

I am...

  • Very good at understanding how to motivate people, ensuring others' alignment behind a vision, and providing feedback.

  • Very capable of monitoring others' work and developing plans to prioritize and accomplish goals.

  • Able to build a positive team spirit and collaborate to reach goals.

  • Good at building mutual trust, and coaching and mentoring others.


The ability to bring others together to resolve conflicts and reconcile differences.

I am...

  • Excellent at examining issues from multiple viewpoints and analyzing information to find the best solution.

  • Very capable of identifying effective strategies to resolve conflict and managing difficult interpersonal situations.

  • Good at encouraging and building mutual respect, and displaying sensitivity in difficult situations.

  • Capable of being considerate in difficult circumstances and aiming to achieve mutually agreeable solutions.